Propest Solutions (M) Sdn. Bhd.

Your Professional Pest Control in Johor

Ant everywhere?

Looking for common ant control in Johor Area?

Propest will be your best solution. We offered specialized services to solve your pest problem from the root.

Common Ant Control Services
For Your Home
and Business Properties

We offer common ant control services in Johor Area for both residential and business properties. Our team will take the responsibility to find out and solve the root cause of your pest problems. Whether the coverage is high or low, we cover it all.

Why using Gel Bait instead?

To solve your common ant problems, Propest Solution had provide gel bait system for you.
The typical way to apply gel bait for common ant are placing small cracks of bait around the places where the ants appear. The baits will attract the ants to the location and the ants will then carry the baits to their colony and share them with their other nest mates.

Free Inspection
Money Back Guarantee

Usual Appearance for Common Ant

  • Kitchen
  • Garden 
  • Rainy Season

Timeframe for Common Ant Control

30 days to make sure.

What will happen if the common ant are not handled properly?

Ants are a kind of insects live in group. Ants form colonies that range in size from living in small natural cavities to highly organised colonies that may occupy large territories and consist of millions of individuals.
If it does not being handled properly, it might cause destroy structures, bacteria spreading, and in extreme cases, cause serious allergic reactions.

How to solve common ant problems?

Ants form colonies that range in size from living in small natural cavities to highly organised colonies that may occupy large territories and consist of millions of individuals. Some of ants are categorised as pests, such as Argentine ant, pavement ant, banded sugar ant and red imported fire ant. Ants can be classified as omnivores because they eat every food.

To solve them, you could:

  • Find any colonies of ants in the house or premises.
  • Inspect any ant trail in and out of your home or premises.
  • Observe the cracks of wall or floor.
  • Look for mount of dirt and rotten wood.
  • Ask for professional support.

Here to know more about Common Ant!

Why Choose Us?

Our service procedure ensures efficient delivery of quality service to our customers for long-term, sustainable pest control result.



Free inspection provided within 24 hours


Customer confirmed acceptance of service quotation




Pest treatment on the spot or on the next day



Free after-service consultation to guide our customers for long-term results

Our works